NOTE: Processing times for this product may require up to 1 week. Please contact us directly with further enquiries.
Pokemon TCG Simplified Chinese Sun & Moon Eevee GX Gift Box (CSMY2 C) Glaceon:
- Contents in each box include:
- 1 Glaceon GX rainbow rare (CSMY C #002/008)
- 1 Eevee GX artwork at random (CSMY C #006/008, #007/008, or #008/008)
- 3 jumbo booster packs (25 cards/pack) of Pokemon TCG Simplified Chinese Sun & Moon Crossing the Sky: 1 each of CSM1a (Red), CSM1b (Green), CSM1c (Blue)
- 3 booster packs (6 cards/pack) of Pokemon TCG Simplified Chinese Sun & Moon Battle Elite
- 1 pack of Glaceon-themed card sleeves
- 1 Glaceon-themed card binder
- More info on the Simplified Chinese version of the Pokemon TCG for the Mainland China market (blog).